Leaving for Holidaysss!

25 December 2007

Tomorrow morning I will leave for two weeks of wildness in London!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to everyone then


Blogged with Flock


22 December 2007

I will be in London for this holidays!

I will not able to update the blog since my return (wich will be in january)
Have fun in the meanwhile! ^__^

Merry Christmas!

Blogged with Flock


18 December 2007

Yes! The time for holidays is come!
:) I will go to London next week, and I will probably be there for 2 weeks more or less.
This will means a lot less presenced. And also due to the network problem this means I will not able to play properly for a while ; ;

This sucks! >_<

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Network problem solved

13 December 2007

Due to a massive newtwork spike problem, I couldn't connect in any way.
So my poor Dancer is at the same level I left ; ;
That's a shame!
Let's get to exp asap.
Wich is, more or less, NOW!

Blogged with Flock


7 December 2007

Due to an installation error I lost everything on my pc...
I will be back as soon as possible on Vana'diel, but will take a few days to install everything and put it to work.
; ; don't exp too much while I'm away!

I got a new Headgear!

2 December 2007

Da HatZ is mine! muahahah
It was a pretty sucky Dynamis Run, but we dropped a good number of AF2 and then the Bard Hat was mine!
Now I'm heading to Crawler's Nest [S] to get a green letter, so I can join Windurstian forces!
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